
Do you have the desire to be an important member of a health care team? 一个抽血者 协助患者和/或献血者采集血液和其他临床标本 by using various medical collection devices. Phlebotomists work in a variety of healthcare 医院、血库、医生办公室或门诊实验室等环境. 完成这两个季度的课程将为您带来无数的职业机会.

  • 学生需要从病人身上采集血液和其他类型的标本 analysis or other medical purposes.
  • 学生将熟练使用各种血液采集方法 如止血带,针头,注射器,多样本系统和正确处理 and packaging of sharps containers.
  • 学生必须遵守临床医生制定的所有政策和程序 agencies laboratory standards as well as the College policies and protocol.
  • Attendance of all classes is mandatory.

以下是学生在学习过程中需要完成的一些功能的简要列表 in the 放血 lecture, lab or clinical setting:

  • Drawing of blood or access a vein on all patient demographics and ages
  • 对收集的标本进行处理,并为运输做好准备
  • Provide clear instructions to patients about other collection techniques
  • 用手指棒从儿童和成人身上抽血,用脚跟棒抽血 从婴儿
  • 了解供体筛选或快速检测结果(护理点检测)
  • Conduct interviews and take vital signs for donors at a blood bank

申请人必须提交下列医务助理-抽血师之一的证明文件 培训项目:

•提交成功完成静脉切开术培训项目的成绩单 通过经过地区或国家认证的高等学校或学院 organization recognized by the U.S. Department of 教育, OR

•让你的静脉切开术培训项目的监督保健医生作证 你已经成功完成了如下所述的静脉切开术培训项目 WAC 246-827-0400 (2). The attesting health care practitioner, defined under RCW 18.360.010(4), must hold a current Washington state license.

军事训练或经验也满足训练和经验要求 除非卫生部长认定该培训或经验实质上不是 equivalent to the requirements listed above.

Washington State Department of Health

华盛顿州卫生部(DOH)有专门的医疗保健代码 许可. The Medical Assistant-Phlebotomist (MA-PC) requires a fee of $145 to be included with the DOH application to license. This course work may qualify the student 用来测试 American Society of Clinical Pathologists (ASCP) to become a 放血 Technician. The ASCP provides membership and pathways to qualify for National Certification. This 许可 examination is not mandatory nor are the costs included in student tuition or registration. 这是额外的 给学生的费用.

请抽出时间参加一个静脉切开术项目的信息会议. 问题将由网赌正规真人实体在线平台顾问/辅导员或项目代表回答.

信息会议安排了一个小时,对任何感兴趣的人开放 in a 网赌正规真人实体在线平台 网赌正规真人实体在线平台 program.

To view upcoming information sessions and register, please check our 事件日历.

Get Started in 放血

静脉切开术项目是一个两个季度的项目,从每个季度的冬季开始 一年. Prior to applying to the 放血 program at 网赌正规真人实体在线平台, please make sure you meet college admission criteria.

The 放血 program application is now available! The first date to submit an application is October 1, 2024 and the last date to submit is October 25, 2024.  详细说明 on submitting an application will be noted on the first page.

The 放血 program Winter quarter 2025 will start on January 2, 2025.

The program application will require the following documentation:

  • A copy of your current First Aid card or certification
  • A copy of your current American Heart Association BLS Provider CPR card.
  • 一页纸,双倍行距,解释你为什么有兴趣成为 一名抽血师,你希望通过这种教育对你的社区产生什么影响. 
  • One letter of reference describing your professional character.
  • 成绩或大学成绩单显示数学40或更高,英语 98 or higher and Reading 99 or higher.

你可能有资格通过综合基础教育获得经济援助 and Skills Training (I-BEST) program. The CASAS exam is used to determine student I-BEST申请资格. Eligible students enrolled in I-BEST benefit from attending 一个特殊学习班,在那里他们将得到额外的教育支持 复习课堂教学,备考,强化基本功的同时 taking the 放血 training. Find out more information about the 我最好的程序.


申请委员会将审查所有提交的材料,以确定录取标准 是完整的. Prior work experience as well as prior college course work may help to 优先考虑申请人,因为候选人的数量通常是可用席位的两倍. 申请人 will be notified via 网赌正规真人实体在线平台 student email regarding admission status. 申请人 who are not accepted may reapply during the next application 一年.

Professional Licensure Outside of Washington State
Each state, the District of Columbia and the U.S. protectorates vary in what professions 他们需要获得执照,以及这些执照的教育要求. 这是 重要的是要了解你从网赌正规真人实体在线平台获得的学位或证书是否会 满足所在州对执照的教育资格要求 你打算练习.

View educational licensure requirements by state.

National 背景搜索 & Drug Screen Requirements

作为网赌正规真人实体在线平台课程入学要求的一部分,申请人必须 在工作前成功通过犯罪背景调查和毒品筛查 patients in clinical areas. The background check and drug screen are paid by the student and administered through a third party company, CastleBranch. 除了网赌正规真人实体在线平台要求的背景调查外,每个临床设施都保留 有权在允许学生入学前进行自己的犯罪背景调查 to enter its health care facilities for clinical participation.

某些刑事定罪,未决指控或负面行为可能自动 取消一个人在无人监督的情况下接触脆弱的成年人,青少年的资格 和孩子. Clinical facilities reserve the right to accept or decline a student’s placement in its facility.     

作为回报丰厚的职业的一部分,抽血师与各种各样的人一起工作 of healthcare settings including:

  • 医院
  • 献血中心
  • Doctor’s office or clinics
  • 门诊实验室
  • Community health centers
  • 养老院

成为一名抽血师为其他医疗职业机会提供了一个垫脚石, allowing you employment while furthering your education.  If working in a hospital, 您将可以访问许多部门,这可能有助于您确定其他领域 比如注册护理学、放射学、 Surgical Technology, etc. Overall, one of the best ways to increase your pay as a phlebotomist is to obtain additional education and certifications.

Program 学习ing Outcomes for the 放血 Short-Term Certificate

项目学习成果是学生将获得的知识、技能和能力 achieve before they graduate. The outcomes below were developed by the faculty in 在获得认可机构、咨询委员会、雇主等意见的情况下进行静脉切开术. 这种合作确保了结果与该学位的职业相关 导致.


  1. 将实验室数据与人体的解剖学和生理学联系起来 疾病过程. 
  2. 示范并遵循正确的安全收集和处理方法 specimens for laboratory testing.  
  3. 深入了解医学实验室的总体结构,并发现 role of the phlebotomist/lab assistant as part of the health care team.
  4. 通过专业的沟通展示责任和专业精神; attitude, appearance, and behavior. 
  5. 在照顾病人、访客时,遵守安全和保密原则; staff and others in diverse healthcare environments. 

